Saturday, August 21, 2004


I like corn. Im a little excited. This is from the girl who hasnt shit solid in weeks. In the illustrious words of my friend Luke, "Booze makes the brown water come out of me arse" [ said with an aussie accent]. Being that i have been drinking pretty much every day this week, its not that surprising. I think i may be becoming the "Gallery Girl", as opposed to the Rev Girl of 1996. However, I never had to sleep with the staff for free booze back then. Haha.

Last night ran into K... one of the 4 guys i was seeing when i chose the Boy. He's leaving tomorrow to go back to Edmonton for school, and actually insinuated that he wanted to "go out with a bang". I declined his offer, naturally. [Im a slut, but not a cheater.] He told me he was a little upset that i chose the Boy over him, which kinda weirded me out, but i still think i made the right choice. Despite the odd problem, i really really dig the Boy and im not giving up on him.

Whats that? I was dating 4 guys at the same time? Yeah. I know, I know. Its kinda what i do. Im either in a relationship, completely single and not looking, or serial dating 2 or more guys. At the time i met the Boy [recall the ex girlfriend preventing him from calling me for 2 weeks?], I didnt think he was interested so i kept looking. Hooked up with K because we worked together and seemed to have lots in common. One of the other boys was another guy i worked with who i never really knew what was going on. He wouldnt say that if we were actually together. The other guy was a sweet guy who lived in Canmore. After i went out with the Boy [ side note: he ran into me when i was out with K and while i was really sad that he hadnt phoned me yet, i felt bad that he saw me with another guy] I slowly let the other guys go. It took me a few weeks to decide that the Boy was the one. In fact, i was about to let him go when he all of a sudden turned into the guy that i wanted.[I'll tell that story some other time] Canmore i just started dating so i just stopped calling. K never really found out til he saw me with the Boy at a party. Harsh.

Anyways, all this talk of boys makes me wanna go have some corn. Did I mention its corn season? Im pumped.

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