Sunday, December 05, 2004

Somebody Dance with Me!!

Ok. So its official. My name is Juicy, and Im a Twin Peaks junkie.

Over the last few days, me and the IB have watched all episodes, the pilot, and the movie. And now... ive seen it all...i know about the black lodge, the white lodge, the one armed man, BOB.... yeah. im a junkie. And now, after gettin me good and hooked, its all over. No more. its done. And they left me with so many many questions. How did Leo get out after Windom Earl left him in such a unsavoury manner? Did Ben actually stay sane or will some other battle be recreated in his cwazy mind? After Audrey and Pete died so suddenly at the end, what comes next? Did James come back? Did Donna keep meddling? Dont even get me started on Cooper being Bob... Yeah. Like i said, obsessed. And the title is a reference to when Leland goes nuttsy and starts dancing with himself and screaming.

Prolly the best part is that every guy ive ever been serious with has totally been into twin peaks, yet this is the first time ive actually seen it. Strange. There are too many twin peaks-ish coincidences between me and the IB. Lotsa good things that hes into that i am too. [And the first boy ive met that likes tiny dogs.] Its weird cuz i used to think that about Dumbass too, that we had a lot of things in common... too many things that he and i would talk about where the answer would be "me too". Which doesnt neccessarily mean that things are likely to go to shit with this one...i am trying to be more positive and trusting. I, of course, have phobias already, but im trying to let them slide. I hate "waiting" for shit to happen.

So status report for the post exam period: not letting myself think that things will go bad with the IB, thinking that i will pass the exams this time, will find a job, and that there will be a next generation of Twin Peaks. [and someone will dance with poor Leland]

1 comment:

Karl Plesz said...

i'm in ur blogs