Thursday, July 14, 2005


The world is full of people who are ignorant. That is, they are stupid or obnoxious or just a plain old idiot...but have no idea that they are. Maybe they are wilfully blind to their stupidity... i dunno. Im not going to get totally into that.

I think what im pissing and moaning about comes from a few run-ins with el stupidos i had yesterday and the day before:

First, occurred in the breakfast line at McDonalds. I usually dont eat at McDs...but dang! those sausage mcmuffins are like crack. So here is the issue: say you are given a very large order of food to pick up at Rotten ronnies...say for your office or school or Star-trek convention...what would you do? I dunno, maybe its just me, but i surely wouldnt take the HUGE list to the drive thru. 25 minutes. Yeah thats right. I sat in my car for TWENTY FIVE FUCKING MINUTES waiting for the car in front of me to place its large order and then get all 11 bags. And because its a drive thru, my car [which is not an SUV or Hummer by any means and could drive over the enbankment to freedom] was trapped in the line up. I just think that you cant be too smart to spring a large order like that on the teens behind the window and then expect unsusspecting motorists [who just need that mcmuffin in its crack like goodness] to patiently wait.

The next one happened a few days ago... someone was moving into my building and rented a Uhaul van. Not one of those cutesy little ones...but one the size of a bus. I went into the parking lot to get into my car to go to Jer's for some lovin'...and noted that the van was not only blocking my car from getting out of the parking lot... but was actually touching it. As i was swearing up a storm, a few other people in my building came out, and also noted that they were stuck in the p-lot until the van moved. But where was the driver? Me and my swarthy band of angry just-wanna-get-the-fuck-out men went searching thru the building for the culprit. We found the people...sitting on their couch...watching TV...and with the appearance that they didnt plan on moving the van any time soon. Being the rational silver tongued litigator that i am [ha!] I asked them to move it in a polite yet demanding way... "oh, do you need me to right now?" was my response.

These people were inconsiderate...maybe just need to be indoctrinated by some episodes of the Care Bears or Sesame Street...but the kicker happened yesterday when i went to buy some chips at the local convienence store: There was a major train crash in Pakistan yesterday, over 100 have been killed. Quite a sad story. The TV in the store was showing pictures of it and i was watching it with the girl behind the counter. Some guy came in, bought a pack of gum, motioned to the TV and said "Serves those bastards right for blowing up London".

I rest my case. Throw my hands in the air. Shrug my shoulders. Shake my head. And take a deep breath. Ignorami of the world, I cant beat you... you are too numerous and your power too deep.


CBK said...

We can't win, but we can fight!

Cindy said...

Usually at our McD's, they would make those people pull ahead and wait in the parking lot. But today I thought of you when an office boy was running out to order 6 plain double cheeseburgers (which is a special order nonetheless) at noon, and I told him he'd better go inside.

JuicyA said...

Thanks, dude...every little bit helps