Tuesday, July 05, 2005

An Interview with Juicy A

In the spirit of Karla Homolka's 20 minute interview en francais about how she is not a psycho killer even though she willingly assisted her husband drug, rape, and murder her little sister and other innocent girls, here is an interview meme that i decided to do (courteous of Carrie over at www.lackofinnocence.blogspot.com)

Here's how it works:

1. If you want to participate, leave a comment below saying "interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions -- each person's will be different.
3. You will update your journal/blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

So here are my questions:

1) What is the kinkiest thing you have ever done? Details please!

Dang. You want me to qualify all the kinky stuff Ive done and pick one? I've done quite a lot too... one of my hobbies seems to be humping in public...and then there are all the tricks in the green suitcase under my bed... wait... Okay. Here goes:

S and M Club ...dressed in bondage and wearing my collar and leash... got a little frisky with the guy i was with and ended up humping pretty much behind the bar. And yes, I do believe there were quite a few viewers ( they prolly thought it was part of the show). I was pretty wasted at the time, though, so does it count?

2) If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?

Being that i really like comic books and cartoons, this is another toughie. I'd really like to be Storm or Rogue, or maybe have Super-sayan strength a la Vegeta and Goku from Dragon Ball Z [ whoa! lookit me geek out!] But i think that stopping time would be pretty cool. Y'know like only i would be able to continue doing stuff? I could like work out and drive places really far, like to Brazil, for the weekend. If i was in court and i got stumped, i could stop time, run back to the office, do more research and go back. I think it would rock. I guess id also need the power to exclude other people too, so i wouldnt be bored.

3) What do you check out first? The face or the butt (or something else)?

Haha. Honestly? The finger. I dont mess with married dudes. Then the shoes. I have this theory that you can really tell what a person is like by their shoes. Like a guy who is preppy may buy a hoodie or a tee shirt with a punk band on it...but will he really go out any buy really wikked skateshoes? unlikely. Also, when you deal with dorks in suits all day, shoes really make some people stand out as individuals. I dont like boring guys, so thats a pretty good place for me to look.

4) If you could change one thing about your past, what would it be and why?

If i could change one thing...I wouldnt have agreed to do this interview if i knew that you would ask this question. [haha! bet ya didnt see THAT coming!] I really try to live without thinking about what ive done wrong in the past... it bums me out. Lets say, for the sake of being a good interviewee, I woulda worn underwear today. Cuz its warm out...and wool pants get sweaty.

5) What is your dream vacation?

Me, my boy, a lot of booze, a beach, the ocean....and a pile of cocaine. [c'mon...its not illegal if you're on vacation..right?!?! haha!] However, if i won some money and could fly anywhere in the world, id prolly go to Japan. I like sushi, sumo, and Godzilla films.

Tada! In the spirit of dear Karla again, Id also like to say that i hope these questions dont make you think im a danger to the public....


Anonymous said...

Only if the public is afraid of a pantiless, leash-wearing, Dragon Ball Z (wtf?) quoting shoe fetishist.

Oh wait... they probably are...

Kisses - Carrie

Anonymous said...

pantiless dragonball z fan

ooo we'd get along just fine ;)

Cindy said...

Barbara Walters look out...

I'm kind of scared to be the first to volunteer to be interviewed, but somebody has to get the ball rolling.