Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Half Nekkid #3-- Wish upon a...

Today's HNT is something that not a lot of people have seen... one of my tattoos. I have 3, and all are located in places that can be easily hidden so as not to upset conservative bosses or clients.

I started with this tattoo on HNT because its sort of my favourite [ I know, a parent should never pick favourites] but also because i like the location of it: about 3 inches under my left armpit and on my side. [ note: if you are thinking of getting a tat... let me advise you that getting it on a bony/ non-fatty area is bloody painful]

I wont tell the story of why the star, why red, and why at the time i got it... all too personal, but i will say that although there is an adage never to get a tattoo because you broke up with someone...yah, well sometimes i just think you should.

The story of HNT is here.


Chuck said...

Uh, yeah....I could imagine that would be painful. I do wonder at the meaning behind the tattoo. Was the dude you broke up with Chinese and possibly a communist?

Happy HNT!

Jillian said...

Happy HNT!! Great ink!!

Bsoholic said...

That does sound painful, I've never gotten a tattoo at all, much less on a boney area. Nice one though!

Happy HNT

Scott & Julia said...

That's a very nice tattoo! Happy HNT!

lecram sinun said...

Great and sexy tat there! Cheers and happy HNT! BTW... I was all washed before any food was touched!

Leesa said...

Neat HNT!

Leesa said...

Neat HNT!

honkeie said...

Nice tat, happy HNT. I have a tat story but it wasnt mine. I actually went to get another one and the girl I was with at the time wanted one too. But I only had funds for one, she got it. A little black tree frog on the back of her calf. It was not intended to go down like that but now she has a forever reminder of me. And I know that is something she could have lived with out.

Stephanie said...

I like it!! I so want a tattoo!!

Happy HNT!!!

Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

i don't have any tats myself, but i really like yours. i think if i did one, it would be really simple.
i too am wondering what the story is behind it.
happy hnt! :)

... said...

maybe i'm weird, but i had the opposite experience - my boney tats were nothing - the whole area would go numb after a bit becuase of the needle bouncing on the bone. the loose muscle - that hurt like hell - the back of the leg, under the arm... OUCH! ok, it didn't hurt like hell, but it was uncomfortable, whereas i could've fallen asleep during the bone - either way nice tat - good color, and happy hnt

JuicyA said...

no, not a chinese communist... although i have told people in the past thats what it meant... long story short is that I got my 1st tat with my boyfriend/fiancee, and originally i wanted to get a black star...but thats what he got so i decided to get something else [which was also a tattoo i planned to get]. when we broke up, i decided to "take back" the star tattoo, however, I decided to get red because i wanted it to remain bright [and i was told that red doesnt fade as much as black] to remind me of the time in my life when i got it.
yeah, i should stick with the communist story.

~art said...

Like the tat

tornwordo said...

I like the tatoo, it's hard to see that it's on your side. If I were not told that, I would have guessed thigh.
Happy HNT!

Princess Pessimism said...

twinkle the ink, but i love the bolgg more , your w icked wirter, check ya later

Chick said...

I really like the star.

For some reason it reminds me of Dr. Suess's (Star bellied) you know that one?

None of The Sneeches were happy if they didn't have a start on their belly...all the best one's did..losts of envy ensued...

Anyway, none of this mean crap...if you don't know the story...

Happy HNT.

JuicyA said...

i love the star bellied sneetch story! My nephew asked me once if i was one...

Princess Pessimism said...

oyu've been added to my messenger, i wanna learn the brain of the JUICYA.

Anonymous said...

That's a great tattoo and an interesting place to put it. I have one on a boney place and it does hurt like hell!
Happy HNT!

Robin said...


Anonymous said...

Getting a tattoo on the bone is the best place to get it...or at least on the spine. The vibrations totally numb the pain, it's the fat that fucking hurts! And NEVER get anything with yellow, fucking hell! Birth isn't even that painful!

Sasha said...

love the tat!

happy hnt!

Jaxe said...

star me kitten. beautiful.


MG said...

Bony placed tatoo's, yep, I can't say enough how much I enjoy the tatoo HNT's, especially the ones you would normally hide, ;)