Monday, January 02, 2006

Helllooo 2006!

So I survived NYE, in case you were wondering. Actually, it wasnt as crazy as it has been in the past [ ie. no streaking, sleeping with strangers, fighting with girls in the bathroom...thank gawd] but still a really wikked kick ass time.

I ended up getting drunk and stoned at a houseparty, watching the Oilers game [boo flames], eating a shitload of foodstuffs, going to some bars and then taking Digit for a walk at 430 am with Jer. We actually almost missed the countdown because we were having a very in depth conversation about men who hide in the bottom of port-o-potties to watch women go to the toilet. [which apparently is a problem... good to know, i guess]

So Ive been trying to think of a new years reso-ma-lution and was pretty much stumped. Im pretty lucky: good job and boyfriend; the bank account could have a lot more in it...and the debts could be a lot less and Id like to drop the 5 or so pounds ive put on in the last month... but all in all im doing pretty okay.

But then, while i sat in the bubble bath this evening, I thought of a good one: I need to be less lazy.

Yeah, its pretty vague..but it really is something i have probs with. As i think ive mentioned in the past, I have a tendency to make a big to do list every month...then by the 7 or 6th, pretty much give it up and dont do a damned thing on there until, well, the first of the next month when i put it on another to do list. Every night i come home from work, and instead of doing the things on the list... i just lay around, have a bubble bath and watch the TV [and occasionally go to kickbox].

I like to put things off and then never get around to doing it. Case in point: My week off work. Out of the 10 things i planned to do, I did a whole ONE. [that being picking up Digit] I had friggin 10 days to do these things, from as simple of calling my insurance company to let them know i moved [2 months ago, too] to tiling a backsplash in the kitchen. Its not that these were difficult...or that i didnt have the shit to do them, i just was too lazy to take the initiative.

So no more lazy Juicy. I have kickboxing to go to, a doggie to walk [and take to obeidience class so he doesnt turn into a lazy jerk too], and a list of shit to do. Im going to set aside a time each week [ like monday night] for doing something on the list.

Well, starting next monday... [joking]


mojotek said...

Well, at least you didn't sleep with any strangers...

Oh wait, is that bad?

Gary said...

That port-a-potty story HAD to be the funniest story of 2005.

Anonymous said...

I've been trying to get over my laziness for years. No luck so far.