Friday, May 18, 2007

Me and Rum are BFF

( actually said that to my bosses yesterday during a predominantly liquid lunch where i was in a really bad mood and needed some libations to loosen me up)

Ok. So im wearing this skirt today which is giving me a total gunt bubble. Y'know, when it bulges out around the zipper area and makes it look like you are 3 mths into a little junior? yeah. fucking pissing me off man.

Heres something else i havent bitched about on here-- our new receptionist is useless. I mean USELESS. She has been here 6 weeks and still has difficulty answering the phones. She hangs up on clients. She whispers into the phone and you cant hear her. She doesnt give messages. She walks into my office and begins telling me who is here... and then mid sentence blanks out and looks as if she was hit with lightening and says 'Oh wow. I forgot what i was saying.' And then continues to blank stare at me.

And then there is the pink dragon. She has this statue of a pink dragon on the reception desk. Like the kind that they sell at the flea market along with incense burners and blankets with wizards and faeries on them. I cant go up to reception and not become transfixed on the thing. Yeah. So me and 2 of my fellow co workers are on a mission to get 'the dragon whisperer' canned.

Oh and shes muslim. Not that its a bad thing--I have other friends who are muslim-- but she is 19 and converted to islam for a boy she had been dating for 6 months. And every once in a while makes comments on how all religions are basically the same and so her being islam isnt that different from her being jewish or catholic. Say what?!?!? Anways-- its almost a full time job trying to deal with this chick and to get her fired.

On a totally unrelated topic its the long weekend in 45 minutes... my last weekend of being in my 20s... I shall be sure to hang out with my BFF quite a bit.


Cindy said...

I wish I had taken that job. I have a collection of dragon statues that have been in the basement for two years, since my last apartment. I could line them ALL up on the desk and they could have little wars, maybe I could get some Lord of the Rings figurines in there.

It's amazing how much one's taste can change in two years. I think I'll be selling those babies the next time I move.

The Lily said...

Happy last 20's weekend!

Itchy said...

Dammit. Did I miss your birthday? I hate that...


Happy Birthday tooooo youoooouuuuuuu!
Happy Birthdaaaaay tooooo yoooooouuuuuuuu!
Haaaaaaapy Biiiiiiiirthdaaaaaaaay Deeeaaaaarrrrrr Juuuuuuuuicy!
Haaaaapy Biiiiiiirthday tooooo yooooooUUUUUU!!!!

And many moooOORORORORE! cha!

*insert spirit fingers*