Friday, September 14, 2007

Well this week pretty much blew

-- actual quote from my assistant


This week has been horrible. I havent blogged because i was pretty pissy/upset/bummed and didnt want to rant on here and let everyone know what a big baby i was being.

Anyways, Im trying to be more upbeat about this shiz... i could be this guy

So remember when a few months ago I was talking about a former client who planned to turn me into the law society? Yah. She did. Now normally they just hear out the person, give them a 'tut-tut' poor you, and then do nothing. Well, this time they heard the cunt out (FYI thats what shes known by as the office now... 'the cunt') and opened a file and then called me and told me i needed to defend her allegations.

fuck fuck fuck fuck fudickity fuck fuck

Ive read her complaint now and am not worried

(actual conversation:

Juicy: (opens envelope) Hah! The stupid cunt!

Boss: What? What did she say?>

Juicy: Absofuckingloutely nothin. What a dumb cunt!)

But Im still pretty pissy that the Law Society who believes they are a neutral party had pretty much told me on the phone that they believed her and I was wrong. I asked them if they had already made up their minds-- as I wouldnt bother responding if i was already convicted in their minds-- and they took offence to this.


I will respond to their stupid cunt letter and remain working as a lawyer... although part of me wonders if i want to be part of this profession if this what i have to deal with.

haha. like i said, Im writing today because Ive cooled down a lot. Can you imagine what i was like on Tuesday when this went down?

Look i took pictures:

So other than that, another assistant stormed out of here today and quit. Weve been through like 6 people in the last 4 months. Its a little much.

On a high note, Im eating matzoball soup right now. its tasty. Shana Tova to all the jews out there. woot woot.

I also am going to a wedding this weekend and plan on drinking myself into oblivion. And maybe driving to the cunts house and giving her a black eye. (j/k. sorta)


Pusher Robot said...

ooooooooo puffy sleeves ... i love them. can i touch them?

Anonymous said...

Ugh. I hate people.

Re: assistants, we've been like that around here, except with associates. Luckily we're getting in a new batch of fresh meat, but we've lost like 15 here in the last year. Yikes.

Bliss said...

That blows. And not in the cool, "Hey, grab that bottle of Creme de Menthe" sort of way.

The Lily said...

can I TELL you how awesome I think it would be to drive the help so crazy that walk out and quit? It would make my fucking day.