Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Fables of Juicy #5: I generally lack professionalism

This is what im wearing right now. Along with a pair of dress pants, blouse...and pair of white and green sketchers.

Maybe I SHOULD be concerned about this. Naaaaaaaah.

Anyhoo the reason for my lack of care about the legal profession is basically because my woes with the Law Society are far from over. They want me to respond to a bunch of questions where my answer for everything is basically "No, I didnt do this. I wish I would had..but hindsight is 20-20". Im actually half pissed off and half totally bummed about it. I wish it was one of those situations where I could just say that I didnt know better at the time... I do now...and I wont make that mistake again. ( I tried this approach. They didnt like it)

Jeremy's response to their continuing investigation was a dozen roses-- with a card saying 'Fuck the Law Society'.

In other craptacular news, I just found out that my Grandmother has cancer...and had a masectomy yesterday. Im glad to hear she is now ok, but Im kinda pissed off that no one bothered to tell me previously. I am glad to also hear that her spirits are also feisty and positive: when asked if she was getting a boob implant reconstruction she said "only if I meet a hot guy on the way to surgery". Anyways, now I feel better for doing my part for Boobiethon... and now for the Bras for the Cause that Im doing this weekend. Im not just a perv, Im doing it for Gram.

Also, my fish died yesterday. Poor guy.

This post is bumming me out.

This is something awesome...and answers the question of what my talent would be if i was in a beauty pageant

If I hadnt already picked out my costume for Halloween this year...it'd be her.


The CEO said...

You are so much better than that, the law society doesn't deserve capital letters.

Anonymous said...

Ok, for the record, I thought you had been told. I myself just found out within the last couple of weeks. So just make sure you don't do the "talk to the hand, beyotch" to me.. Also, didn't you say that you would make a call to an important little man? What happened?

JuicyA said...

Monty-- thanx bud

Lem-- didnt realise how late it was until the Oilers game ended...didnt want to call at 10!

The anger was at B ang G not you... you didnt know that i didnt know and it wasnt your place to tell me..unlike B

CBK said...

Wow! That video is amazing! Save your costume for next year and go as her, with trumpet.

Couldn't she and the band have coordinated about keys beforehand?

Anonymous said...

That video... can't. Stop. Laughing.