Friday, April 11, 2008

Bonk is Bonkers.

(this has nothing to do with the post, but is funny)

So lemme tell yas about yesterday. I woke up to a foot on snow on the ground...and with more falling in giant snowballesque chunks. Very not cool. As I listened to the radio on the drive to work, the dude said that pretty much whatever route you took to work, there would be an accident and it would likely take double the time to get wherever you were going. Good ole cocky Juicy though, 'Heh, I drive through residential neighbourhoods...there aint going to be any problems with my commute'.


So, I driving down this little hill, and my wheels lock as I hit ice. I was going pretty fast...and because it was downhill, it seemed to be getting faster and faster. I had two choices: hit the back of a Toyota ( and i could see kids in the backseat) or bail to the right and hit a front yard.

Im still pulling leaves out of my grille.

I basically went careening onto this lady's front lawn, via her hedge, and narrowly missing a giant tree. Other than some damage to her hedge, I managed to survive the ordeal with only a blown out tire. Not too bad.

Jer had a similar drive to work--he hit someone's car while he was turning--and then while in the Mail truck --he had two mishaps.

In the future, I will just stay in bed if there is a day like that. Much cheaper. I did notice though that people are a lot more understanding in times like blizzards than in times of better weather. People stopping to push Jetta's off of front lawns, not caring about the state of their lawns, being ok with just exchanging names to repair damaged lights.

So hockey playoffs are in full swing. Im not paying too much attention to it. I have decided to cheer for the Predators. Why? Cause there are a lot of players with funny names. I mean seriosly, they have a dude named Bonk.


Cindy said...

If it were ten degrees colder, all this monsoon rain would be feet upon feet of snow. I guess I will just be glad I don't live in Canada! :)

Bliss said...

Love the sign. :)