Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I am a bad girl

No, not like I should be riding the 'Rock of Love Bus'...or being the raison de bitching for Nancy Grace... I am bad at being a girl.

There is this bridal show this weekend...and every time I start thinking about being in a room with a bunch of princess wannabees I almost vomit on my shoes. It seems that every female is supposed to be born with some innate desire to want to have a big wedding and have "dreamed" of the "fantasy" ( their fucking words...not mine) of this shit since they were little. Why cant I tell people I am (eventually) getting married and not have them start asking about my "perfect wedding day" ( again, the words of these mofos...not this beeatch). Fuck. I dont even have the ring yet and Im phreaking the phuck out about this shit.

Ahhhhh... I feel better now.

I am actually now just telling people I am having a Star Wars wedding...because the only person I dressed up as in a white dress was Princess Leia.

I bought myself this supa sweet espresso maker in December-- and it takes about five minutes to make a cappucino so deeeelightful it makes you wanna cream your pants. Some days, Id rather sleep in that additional 5 minutes and my day is then not so smoothe and creamy. Today is one of these days.

Speaking of coffee, I have approx. $80.00 in star buck gift cards in my wallet. I just keep acquiring them from people and havent been able to use them fast enough. I should get naked and roll in them or something. What movie is that from? Indecent Proposal? Yeah, like that.

I miss Christmas holidays. Getting up at 11:00 am...drinking the cum inducing cappuccino... playing Wii fit and Guitar Hero World Tour until dinner time. Fuck. I need to retire or something.


The Lily said...

I will gratefully take some of that coffee love off your hands. Be MORE than happy to help you spend it.

Also, not that you are, but do not buy into the hype. This day is you and Jer and if you want Leia, I say doooo eeeeet!


me said...

Agreed ... weddings are boring, and people who are super excited about them are awful. Totally on the same page.

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The CEO said...

je ne comprend 'cum inducing'