Monday, May 23, 2005

Goin out with a heave...

or: Kids, dont do drugs.

Despite the fact that every time i've smoked hash ive either 1. gotten horribly and incredibly sick; or, 2. become catatonic; or, 3. hallucinated so bad that my friends have locked me in a room... I decided it would be a good idea for me to smoke hash on Sunday. An experiment, if you will.

And the result? I spent close to 20 hours throwing up every 10 minutes. The last day of being 27... and wishing i was dead.

Now thinking about the year ive had: What could this horrible onslaught of bile mean? That 27, for the most part, kinda sucked? That 28 is going to be worse? I dont think so... I think that maybe i was purging out all the bad shit of 27 and now, at 28, its out of my system.

Or maybe, now at 28, i should smarten up and not smoke hash again.


Chris said...

wow I've never heard that I've felt naucious a couple times but never as bad as that your body is trying to tell you no!

Deek Deekster said...


1, less is more

2, not with alcohol

3, or tobacco if you can avoid it

4, or on an empty stomach

5, get ready the cupcakes

6, or in a stressful situation

7, enjoy!

JuicyA said...

yeah, i know. i totally suck. it was like ive never done drugs a ten year old who is drunk for the first time. that mean ol' hash oil just dont like juicy.

(and yes, i have done drugs before. lotsa drugs. hard drugs. in a less savory time in my existance i was a shipper/receiver/re-distributor of sorts for drugs. in fact im on drugs right now [ well, not really, unless you count Mentos... and i prolly should])