Thursday, September 08, 2005

All about my roadtrip

Last weekend, which was another classic "first monday of the month" holiday saw me and my boy taking a roadtrip to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan to go to a wedding of 2 friends of mine. I went to law school in Sasky and it was a bit of a homecoming for a lot of us who havent been in the fair land of wheat in 3 years. Naturally, I had my camera with me at all times and managed to take some 30 or 40 pictures.

First, to all those reading, NEVER NEVER NEVER rely on Mapblast to get you to your desired destination without doing some other type of research. I have driven the Calgary to Saskatoon route a few times...but couldnt remember which highways we used. Well, they surely were not the ones mapblast suggested. We ended up on gravel roads...driving through coulees and river the middle of bare ass prairies with not a sole in sights... and across rickety bridges for close to 6 hours. We only passed 3 gas stations the whole time. Here is an excerpt i wrote on the mapblast map:

ROUTE 507 W-- 51 KM where the fuck are we? seriously? im scared. Jer is getting mad because i dont know. where is the town of Oyen? and how do we get out of there when we find it?

Yah. I was a little stoned at the time. That prolly didnt help our general orientation. Jer kept asking which direction we were heading (when i thought it was pretty obvious it was East) and freaking out a bit. Something funny though: i like to buy shiny things and touch fluffy things while baked...Jer wants to photograph them.
Like 10 pictures of clouds. Seriously. These ones he thought looked like dinner buns (?!?!)

The wedding itself was a blast. It was beautiful and touching and a good time. ( not overly garish or religious...most of the people there were likely under 30) I was pretty drunk at one point, but sobered up. It was the first time most of the posse met my little jer, and i think he passed ( although Chantelle was concerned when he said he wanted to put his dink in the chocolate fountain...hes a keeper!) I never took any pics of the bride/groom/other guests but took 4 self portraits while sitting in the can.
All class.

We spent the remainder of the weekend hanging out at some of my fave haunts in Sasky...and, because its me, humping some statues.

On the way back (again stoned) we decided to NOT follow mapblast and instead take the highway (gasp! what a concept!) Following the advice of Jer's uncle, we stopped in a tiny shit town called Delia to have ribs and pie at this diner. However, being the holiday monday, the diner wasnt open...just this sketchy bar with VLT signs on the windows. Jer thought it looked appealing and would likely have delicious meals in it... I was not convinced. I said i would post the pic to get the general public's opinion.

We also stopped in Drumheller on the way back and snook into the Dinosaur museum.

We completed the roadtrip by getting a bucket of Fried chicken and gravy and eating it in the car. [sorry--pic didnt work, i was covered in grease and gravy] Again, all class all the time.


CBK said...

Sweet, a humping pic!

Cindy said...

Even if the restaurant does look skeezy-- why not eat there? They make the best stories...

It's hard to tell from the pic though, it maybe looks quaint. How was the paint job? Creeky boards? Go back now!

JuicyA said...

Dude the pic doesnt do justice as to how sketchy it truly was... I was afraid Id get Hep A if i ate there... And I love eating at sketch diners and generally unappealing places...