Thursday, September 22, 2005

Being different is good

Wow, if I knew all the attention the old blog o rama would get just by showing my ass, I woulda done it months ago...

Wait. I think this is like when i was in grade 8 and the Vice principal pulled me into her office and gave me a lecture about all the "negative attention" I was getting from the boys... Ah well. Its just my butt.

I have been busy eating free food (well not really freee cuz my firm had to pay for my attendance) at Family Law and Estate law seminars over the last few days. Ive made some interesting observations about my colleages at the family bar. Mostly that they seem pretty different from me.

One, there are a lot of short men. There arent a lot of men that practice family law, but the ones that do are pretty tiny. [I useda date short guys... not that i had a fetish for them or anything, I think cuz height was a non-issue for me when it came to dating. I obviously dont have that prob any more (Jer is a lot taller than me)...wait where was I going with this? I dunno...right. Short family law men. ]

Anyhoo, quite conversely, there are also a lot of LARGE women. Like 5 ft 11 and 250 llbs. They could likely eat some of those tiny men. Or carry them along in their purses.

Finally, most of the women I have seen around the family courts have short- butch like hairstyles and wear flat shoes and boxy pantsuits. Now Im not going to jump to any conclusions here... but my guess is that there are a lot of "anti-men, pro-women" family lawyers around ( Ive met quite a few) and some may take this mantra also into the bedroom.

As you may have guessed: I dont fall into any of those categories. Im a tallish skinny sex-cravin' horndog chick who apparently likes putting her butt up on the internet. That being said... Ive noticed in the last week that most of the people who have retained me (both male and female) have commented that i was the only lawyer they talked to that didnt "seem cold" or "sounded like i genuinely cared" or actually had time to talk to them. Maybe being different is good. That being said, I want people to let me know if i start changing, being a jerk to people who need someone to talk to [ notwithstanding crazies who want to sue the YWCA], say that im too busy to help someone, start eating boxes of Crisy Cremes or shave my head to stop me and tell me to look at this post.

And while im at it, tell me to stop and look at my last post...damn! thats one juicy ass!

1 comment:

CBK said...

Yes, it would be a shame to lose that butt. Remember who you're doing all this for. ;-)