Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Its sooo hard to say goodbye to yesterday...

Sometimes a Boyz II Men song is very neccessary.

This marks the last post i shall do while i am (supposed to be) working at my firm.

The office is all packed up... the clients (that i like) have received phone calls with little asides noting that they can come with me to my new firm if they choose ( and the ones i dont like received emails saying who their new lawyer is).

I am kinda sad. I really like the people here: my assistant Sara (who gave me 'tude... but in a funny way), my assistant Chala (who would had hitch-hiked naked to Norway if i told her it was needed for the file), my neighbour Medina (who cursed like a sailor when she was pissed and allowed me to rant in her office when i needed to as well), Michelle (the softest spoken person who could ever screw you out of your fair property division because she just made it sound good)and all the other people downstairs in the litigation area who i rarely talked to...but often made smart assed comments to while in the coffee room.


I guess its pretty cool, though, that I left here on my own accord and with a better paying job on the horizon than, as in my last job, leaving unemployed and broke, and unemployable.

So good bye office, good bye view of Walmart...and, i guess, good riddance...


Cindy said...

Yeah, I cried everytime I quit the truckstop. Four times. On my fourth last day it was kind of like, "eh, oh yeah, you're quitting again, see ya in a month." Never went back.

The Black March said...

i want to ride a unicorn over a rainbow then in a vat of hot magma, i think that it would be romatic