Monday, August 22, 2005

whats so funny?

Ever been to a movie that you totally did not find funny... and EVERYONE around you is laughing hysterically like its the best thing ever? AND you are stoned [which usually means you find water fountains, people's voices, and generally anything shiny hilarious].

That was me at the 40 year old virgin movie. It didnt need to be a movie... it coulda been a 10 minute Saturday night live skit. I think i laughed 5 times... and none were involving the plight of the title character. The plot is thus:

1. Sex joke.
2. Sexist joke.
3. Penis joke.
4. Repeat.

Oh, there were also some racist jokes, nerd jokes, and hairy chest jokes thrown in for good measure. In fact the funniest thing i heard in the theatre was a 15 yr old girl standing next to me telling her boyfriend that "the east indian guy in the movie was funny...they are all funny...they should have one in every movie". Idiot. [yes, i was still a little baked]

I have experienced this "holy crap this is not funny so why is everyone laughing" syndrome also during a show called "the Trailer Park Boys" [ so they are poor and live in trailers and drink a lot....and what? and nothing...thats storyline of the whole show.] and Married with Children [ which has the same plot i outlined above]

Yeah. I dunno. I guess its maybe some sort of karmic balancing from the fact that i find so much amusement from british comedies and weird movies. I recall watching Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and being one of 4 people who were laughing. And half of the theatre left during the Life Aquatic.

Anyhoo, if you like Trailer Park Boys or Married with Children, go see that 40 yr old virgin movie. Just dont be expecting an invite over to my house for movie night any time soon.


CBK said...

I, too, never laughed at "Trailer Park Boys", except for the episode when Alex Lifeson from Rush guest-starred and Bubbles jammed with him. I was hoping on seeing "Virgin" this weekend, though, and am now a bit discouraged by your review. Did you see Wedding Crashers? Did you enjoy it?

BTW, I find it very funny and ironic that the girl would use the qualifier "East" before "Indian", yet still make such an ignorantly racist statement.

JuicyA said...

CBK-- I loved Wedding crashers, practically peed my pants about 3 times. [especially that they were in a Family law mediation at the beginning] I never "reviewed" it on the blog cuz it was during the week where i was uber busy.

I never saw the Alex Lifeson episode, its cool he was on there.

Yah-- politically correct racism..