Monday, November 07, 2005

Another week, another post of bitching...

[ Well, not really, but somehow i always seem to be more negative in my posts on Mondays]

Arg. Its getting colder out there. I dont like it.

Another weekend of pretty much doing nothing. Yesterday I flipped channels between the Matrix trilogy and Robocop trilogy all day. ( I was seriously geeking out) I was both pretending to be a cyborg AND doing some seriously wikked mua thai/karate/ jiu jitsu/ whatever the hell Carrie Ann Moss does in the Matrix.

The house is finally starting to look like a place worth living in. Almost all of the rooms are box free now, and I didnt have to spend twenty minutes looking thru piles of shit to locate an outfit for work. Things were actually hung up. [gasp!]

I have short work week this week... sadly not because Im taking a vacation or anything, but because Im taking mediation training. Y'know in Wedding Crashers, how Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson [uh-oh losing train of thought....thinking about being in a Vince and Owen sandwich...droooool....running away to Fiji with in a little love hut on the beach....Right. Where was I? oh yeah...] they played mediators in that movie. Thats what Im taking training in. It means being away from the office on Wednesday [good], Thursday [good], Friday [bad-- its a holiday], Saturday [very bad], and Sunday [holy fuck, dude, thats the whole weekend bad]. And its from 830 to 630 all friggin 5 days. [bad] But my company paid for me to take it, it costs a small fortune to take it, and they are very excited that im going. [good-- it means job security].

So the point of this post [yes...there was one] was to say im pretty busy the next few days and even busier after that... so I may be a little shy on posting over the next while.

Now, if you dont mind, Im going to look into those tickets to Fiji.


Monty said...

Damn, you're going to become a mediator. You're already a negotiator (Vince, help Owen or he gets the first bj, after the second sandwich, and 3 rd drink....and remember, I'm picking the hut...), and you settle most cases, which makes you *even* more valuable, and clearly, your company has recognized your brains too.

Looks like it's just the bloggingnation that's going to suffer, and Jer if you're out of town. Please send progress reports. I'm too young to go from insufficient stimulation!

CBK said...

I'm thinking you should bring a pillow. :-(

Monty said...

THUD. It just dawned on me. You might miss HNT. OH NO, SAY IT AIN'T SO!!!!

Monty said...

Can we negotiate this, please?