Sunday, November 27, 2005

juicys world: 2AM and under the influence

Things i am realizing at 200 in the morning:

- the light in the home office doubles as a pole dancing pole

- curry burps smell bad...well actually, they smell like curry

-i still dont like this mac. give me a pc. a pc a pc my kingdom for a pc

- its not hot pant weather outside [ we had a hip hop old skool party and i wore hotpants, knee socks, adidas, and a shirt that read "bling bling"...we got a limo and rode around the city drinking champagne and ummmm....taking some still a little fuggered from it. at one point, while dancing at the bar i though i was dying; i thought "oh shit. here we go. im od'ing in a bar. real nice, juicy, real nice." but i was ok. i just needed some oxygen [the good ole 0 -2 in the hizzouse] and i was a-ok.

-iforgot what this post was about...just a sec.

-yes. its 2 in the A-m. tomorrow is grey cup sunday. woot. go eskies! my oilers won on friday. i was at the game. there was much wooting to be heard.

- really love my jer. hes sleepin. shhhh.

-ok. im done. gonna watch some late night tv. hope there are some good infomercials. i like the ones about food preparation devices [ronco food dehydrater? oh yes.] and the 'get fit in 6 days' ones.


Cindy said...

excellent fucked up post!

(And it's readable time. Must be because it's not all alcohol-induced.)

Cindy said...

I meant "this time." Damn not proofreading.

JuicyA said...

yeah the drug posts are a lot more coherent than the booze ones. i was pretty careful when i was typing it, because i didnt want to sound like i was wasted... i think i may still be hungover/on a comedown today

Bliss said...

I'm going to go with "The Magic Bullet" for most entertaining infomercial right now. :)

Monty said...

I should have been with you. Work, work, work. I haven't even been blogging. snif. drugs *and* champagne! Take me along!