Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Fables of Juicy #6: I am an angry driver

It is even hard for me to post a picture about said driving...because I am too angry while i am driving to post a picture.

I yell at passing cars. I yell at people on the street. I yell at traffic lights...stop signs..curbs.. yah, you get it. I need to listen to my music very very loud to drown out the fact that I am angry at everything around me.

If you are wondering who I listen to when i drive the answer is thus:


I saw LSF this summer in Calgary...and have not listened to another CD in my car since. I have 4 of their albums which i just go between.

If you go to their myspace page... listen to The Equestrian, The Sweat Descends, and Raging in the Plague Age... and picture someone in a silver VW driving angry and erratic driving 20 km above the speed limit...and thrashing to the music. Yah. Thats me.

So its Halloween again. In my never ending battle to find original costumes that no one really understands... I wore this this year. My camera died before I could get a better shot... but I was also wearing pink shorts and red cowboy boots.

Now, smartypantses... who was I?


Buzz said...

Olive from Lil Ms. Sunshine...

Nice one!

JuicyA said...

very good.

about 50% of people got it...but of the 50% who didnt, most hadnt seen the movie.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking you were the dude from OK Go. Oh well!

Bliss said...

Yah, great costume. :)

Itchy said...

Awesome costume. I knew who it was. Just had to get that on the official record. :)

Karl Plesz said...

I haven't seen LMS yet, so I didn't guess correctly. But the shot reminded me of a TV character Marg Princess Warrior..... you know... except that the clothes are all wrong... and stuff.