Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Hookers are people too....they just dont make good love interests in movies

song chart memes
more graph humor and song chart memes

Seriously. Y'all know that I hate that movie, right? And Julia Roberts. Seriously. Shes a whore. What are the chances that if this movie happened in reality Richard Gere would end up with Syphillis or getting shanked when he wasnt looking? Pretty high, Im guessing.

Speaking of high, go see Pineapple Express. Friggin hilarious.

So my blog is approaching 4 years old... I think for the next few days Im going to post my "best of" each year posts and then maybe steal the questions from some dumb interview i find on the internet and answer it for your amusement. Actually, my amusement. Thats really what this is all about. I mean, honestly. The last people who liked reading my blog just jettisonned me from their bloglists when i voiced disdain for her Royal Robertsness.

Ok. I better start reading my archives.


Osbasso said...

You'll never lose me, babe!

Cindy said...

Pineapple Express was everything I'd hoped it be. I don't know if it tops Knocked Up though since they left Jonah Hill out of that one.