Thursday, July 14, 2005

I seen another movie: Fantastic 4

Okay. Time for geek girl to geek out about comics... well, no not really. I dont want to become the Comic Book Store Guy from the Simpsons [which i keep telling Jer he is slowly becoming] Worst Episode ever...not to worry, i was voicing my distaste on the internet moments later.... However, I am thinking about getting a T-shirt that says "Im so blogging about this later" because i find myself thinking that a lot these days... i digress

Comments on Fantastic 4:

1. Ringo was the hot one [haha. i love Ringo references...but alas, the wrong Fab 4]

2. Are we really supposed to believe that Jessica Alba is a scientist? Isnt she like 19? And how is she the High School sweetheart of a dude who looks like hes pushing 40? Dont get me wrong, i dont really mind her... she was good in Sin City...because she was playing someone who was 18.

3. [Geek moment Warning!] Hellloooo? Dr. VonDoom was NOT in the same accident as the 4 in the space ship! Isnt this common knowledge? Jer [my beloved comic book reading geek god] also says that he didnt kill anyone in the books becuz Dr. Von Doom believed in the sanctity of life... ok. that one was beyond me.

4. Cheezy shot of the Statute of Liberty at the end was, well, cheezy.

5. I like when there is a hot badguy in movies. mmmmmm... hot bad guy [drool]

6. It was filmed in Vancouver. I got to play spot-the-landmark for a while. The end fight scene took place a few blocks from my old job at Immigration.

7. Michael Chiklis played the Thing. I really liked that show the Commish when i was a kid.

Ok. Thats all. See the movie if you like. I think there is at least someone for everyone to drool over: the chick in a lycra suit with "accidental" cleavage shots, the cute/macho boy with the clever one liners, the smart one, and, oh course... sexy evil guy...mmmmm.


Anonymous said...

I'll see just about any movie if it includes a few "accidental" cleavage shots.

Anonymous said...

I think it's a cool film, or a film cool. It's just that everything seems to be put out there to make you say. "how cool". Nothing more