Tuesday, July 29, 2008

sweet salty crispy deadly

Holy shit. Have you ever had chip-nuts? these things are fucked. And by fucked i mean delicious, scrumptious, addictive, and giving me a migraine.

On other, non chip nut related news, I did in fact have a fucking good time in Vancouver. Me and B wore dresses, bought shoes and purses, ate sushi and got drunk. We also were inspired by the story of Christian the Lion and kept "recreating" the reunion seen here. The funniest part, naturally, is the song. (the video, itself actually makes me cry)

We even wore Christian the Lion tshirts to the show
(yes-- I know its a tiger, but there were no $9.00 iridecent tshirts with lions on them). And during LSF, lo and behold what was Tim Harrington (the lead singer) wearing? A tshirt with a kitten on it. ( see? also inspired by Christian the lion)

Here is another LSF picture of Tim wearing a purse as a hat and playing a broom.


Andrea said...

When I saw the lion video last week, I cried like a damn baby. And now I know that my life will not be complete until I have a sparkley tiger t-shirt to wear to honor that damned lion.

Cindy said...

Man I wish I would've read this last night so I would've known what they were talking about on the radio this morning...