Thursday, March 06, 2008

Make it work

Days to move: A few

Boxes Packed: Still not that many

Whoa, so i move really soon. I guess i should be getting excited. I am, I guess, but not like how I expected to be. Im also kinda sad about moving out of our current place.

I think i am more excited about the fact that Im taking 5 days off to move. Wahoo! I dont have to be around stupid clients for almost a week!

I bought a new fish today. In the spirit of my favorite show... his name is Tim Gunn Jr. Im not sure why i thought of that name when i saw him, but i did. And now whenever i look at him, I hear Tim's voice... or better yet, I hear Santino Rice doing his best Tim Gunn impression. What happened to Andre? (ps. Im referring to Project Runway)

Here is Tim:

In the spirit of my second fave show, here i am looking fierce in a new dress I bought for spring. (ps. Im referring to Top Model)


Anonymous said...

Hey, don't get ejected for "overposing and be too conceited and confident" That will be the death of you.. So is that what all lawyerin' folks do at work?

Boys like the fish. Almost as cool as the last one


Andrea said...

PS - Don't hate me...but I deleted your comment from the new bloggy. I'm trying to keep the two separate chick! And I'm crazy and paranoid. Sowwy....