Wednesday, March 19, 2008

All bound for MuMu land

I forgot how awesome this song was until i found it at "Retrocrush" on their list of best duets.

I need to watch a lot of funny videos and listen to funny songs lately because I have had this gawd awful commercial for the telephone company in my head. This company, Telus, has these stupid animal commercials and this one of these stupid fucking parrots dancing and AHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHH ITS IN MY HEAD. GET IT OUT GET IT OUT.

Fuck. Is there a full moon right now? People are damned crusty lately. A client just emailed me a letter saying that my assistant was too nice and friendly on the phone and she didnt appreciate paying for that type of service. I have since instructed my assistant to be a rotten bitch to her on the phone. Cheers, Cunt!

Good news: My sis and her boys are coming to see me this weekend. Im pumped.

Bad News: Jer is going away from tonite to next Monday for a hockey tournament. Ill be all alone. Le sigh.

So heres something full of awesome-- my Oilers are playing amazingly well right now and are only 5 points out of the playoffs. I can feel it. They are going to make it. I was so excited last night i was screaming like a crazy person...and with now not having basement tenants, I can be as obnoxious as I want in my house. Too fun. And such great acoustics.

kay. like watch that. it made me laugh. her name is Wendy Ho-- its called "Bitch, I stole your purse"

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Just think about the talking stain commercial. Tell me you've seen the talking stain, right?