Tuesday, January 27, 2009

And now a hypnotic gaze from a cupcake loving dog

Thats Stains the Dog... I think everytime I watch that, there is a 50 50 chance I may pee my pants. (the best way to watch him is via the Soup, but they dont let ya embed...plus they end it with Spaghetti Cat)

So Im having a shit day. Again. I just learned that my company decided to pick and choose who to give bonuses to at Christmas...and despite the fact that I am the only reason this low rent hell hole hasnt gone into the red, I was not given one. My partners, who did jack shit last year, awarded their merits with a bonus of 1500 each. Huh.

I also had a pyrric victory ( booyah! I knew a minor in Greek and Classical Mythology would come in handy somewhere!) last week against our favourite crazy ass Court of Appeal litigant, Count Chocula. I was not successful in having his appeal struck...but he was given a week to file his documents ( which is unlikely in that its already taken him over 2 months) and costs in the amount of 1000. Fuck. I still feel like I dropped le ball on that one.

Hee hee. Balls.

Ive been listening the the song 'Time to Pretend' by MGMT alot lately. Its good. About fucking models, doing drugs and dying young. Lucky! ( said a la Napoleon Dynamite). I went out on Friday with a girl who can dance like Napoleon Dynamite. She is pretty much awesome. I kept dancing in the window like I was on Electric Circus. Where was I? Oh right... good song about saying fuck it to work and living on an island with fancy cars and models and drugs.

1 comment:

The CEO said...

I didn't get a bonus either. Damn management.