Thursday, May 26, 2005

Something about the contest and baseball... sorry i dont feel like making a clever title right now.

Hello, gentle juicitarians! [juicineers? juicinizers? juicinites? Fug. I dunno.]

You are prolly wondering why i havent picked a winner in the "Where's my freakin' Fan base" contest [or you werent and had no clue what i was talking about...then scrolled down, read about it...had a brief chuckle at my insane love of wookiees...and now, at returning to this post, are now wondering about the contest]. Well, basically, Ive decided to extend it because im real busy at work and for the weeekend and, simply, wont have the time to dwell over your clever words and pick my fave. Or Im lazy.

Work has been eating my ass lately. [no not literally: im not affiliated with than WebCam site anymore, sorry kids.] Ive been totally friggin stressed out because i kinda sorta accidently dropped the ball on something last week that was really important. I mean, I really didnt personally, screw up, but i re-delegated something to someone that i shoulda done myself, and well, i came back on me. I cant blame the person [my assistant really-- i just feel really smug and uppity and high falootin when i talk about having underlings] because of some old saying about craftspeople and tools or something. Basically-- the ball was thrown at Juicy, and she grabbed her assistant and threw her in the trajectory of said ball. Really no problem-- just caused some dude to have all his multi-million dollar business accounts frozen. Ug. However, as of 10 minutes ago [hence why i started writing this 10 minutes ago] everything was ok.

Long story short: work was shitty and now its ok. I guess i coulda just written that and saved a bunch of time.

On a happy note, me and Jer snuck in to see Episode III again last night. My "not enough Wookiees for my liking " comment stands.

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