Friday, April 13, 2007

I dont care that you were in Dangerous Liasons-- stop fucking up my play!

"You know, if you come to America and don't learn English, that's fine. If you come to America and don't learn how to use the fuckin' turn signal on your car, then you should get deported."

I often go to the website The Dialog Blog. They always make me laugh...but that one made tears come to my eyes.

Eight more days until Costa Rica. Not that Im bragging. But, yeah. (Ps I learned how to count to 19 yesterday in my 'Learn to Speak Spanish in Just 30 Days!' i know that i actually have ocho days.) Bueno.

I hada dream last night that Helena Bonham Carter and John Malkovitch were starring in my play-- except it was horribly wrong and i was really really upset because they totally fucked it up. I mean, I guess i shoulda been happy that such big wigs were fucking up my play, but i wasnt.

I found out that the stupid Flames play a game on the same day as my no one will be coming anyways. Of course, if there is a game 5. (ahem)

We have a staff lunch today. Im looking forward to having some cocktails. I feel bad for the people who have appointments with me today after noon. Suckers.

1 comment:

Itchy said...

"Does Walgreens carry underwear?
"It's only 9:30 and you've already lost your underwear?"

That one killed me.

If Helena Bonham Carter was really in your law pirate play, regardless of whether she was fucking it up or not, I'd be there to see it. Not that I don't think it's worthy of viewing now or pirates!

New threadless shirt I love:

"To err is human
To arr is pirate"