Tuesday, January 08, 2008


so where were we?



I was still in Costa Rica. I didnt want to come back, actually.

I did come back...and allowed my friends to dress me up like a blowup doll.

I partied like it was 1956 at a friend's "compound" in Rocky Mountain House with a bunch of hippies.

I turned 30. The blow of this trauma was weakened by Jer buying me Star Wars Art and a lizard named Kobayashi.


Jer's hockey team had their annual kegger/ rock party with the Aces

I took an acting class where my instructor seemed to have a serious hate on for me... but i used the anger this created to channel my character...thus causing my scene to be super-awesome.

I saw Roger Waters...and took mushrooms. Sweet.


I had a big hate on for our receptionist at work. I hated this stupid tool...and her little pink dragon too.

There was a rock festival in Calgary called Sled Island during the long weekend. Jer and I took in a bunch of acts, including the A team, CPC Gangbangs,and the now infamous Les Savy Fav. My life will never be the same.

It was over 30 degrees for 3 weeks straight. Everyone was crabby and irritable. Jer and I tried to beat the heat by floating down the river on a raft (and drinking a bottle of Peach Schnapps) and going to Sylvan Lake.

Despite the extreme heat, I started an outdoor workout group. Nothing like running up stairs in 30 degree heat. Pukerama!


I was either really busy...or really boring...cuz I didnt blog once during August. Eep.

According to my pictures, Jer's team won the Marcus Warren Cup for the 5th time in their summer hockey league. Go Aces!!!


Jer and I went to Waterton Lakes Park and Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump-- two cool places with even cooler names. We decided to hike into Montana on what we thought would be a 3 hour hike-- ended up being muuuuuch lonnnnnger. Oh yeah, and we took mushrooms.

I was reported to the law society. (FYI: It hasnt gone away yet) Fuck.

I went to a friend's wedding and managed to have 30 pictures taken of me with my mouth open.

I began the Fables of Juicy ( which are just on temporary hiatus)


I went to Vancouver for a Bat Mitzvah...and ended up having a Quincenera!

I also I stalked some cute asian children and rocked out at the Aquarium.


I received a large ticket for forgetting (for 6 months) to register my car.

Me and Sonja had a girls night-- which involved us buying an accordion, getting sushi, and then becoming fucked up on mushrooms. We watched "Valley Girl" which, at the time, was the best movie i had ever seen.

Jer and I decided to go to Mexico for Christmas...mostly to avoid the awkward Christmas/ Hannukah issues...but also because I needed a fucking vacation.


Over the Top Hip Hop 3 was a roaring success. I, for the 3rd year, wore hotpants.

I hated how busy work was.

I went to Los Cabos, Mexico. Y'all were jealous.

I became La Luz! the mexican wrestler...

the arch nemesis of


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Damn, Juicy, can we get a couple more bikini pics on here?