Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Greetings from Siberia

No, not really. Its just -37 outside right now and kinda feels like it.

So, Im reading this memoir of a junkie and in an interview of the book she said that she chose to publish a memoir and not her diary posts, because sometimes she just wasnt that interesting and who wants to hear about her buying groceries and reading...

And thats why I havent posted since the 10th. Honestly. All Ive been doing is house hunting, sleeping, and eating. No real anecdotes or anything....although I am getting really good at Guitar Hero II.... and that Ive been having nightmares about the scary dude from No Country for Old Men.

As for houses, Jer and I have found TWO that we love...and neither is in our price range, but one is just outside that range. If I do get something, that will be considered blog worthy.

1 comment:

Bliss said...

Best of luck on house hunting! It totally sucks, but usually works out well in the end! :)