Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Happy Blow-vember

This month already blows. Congratulations! (said in the Target Lady's voice. I miss the Target Lady. Where did you get those rainbow suspenders! They will look perfect with my green quilted pantsuit!)

Notwithstanding that quoting the Target Lady has now brought a smile to my face, I am pissy. Here I was all planning to post my halloween pics on here....and then one of those shittay things that happens only to me happens... I WAS FUCKING SERVED.

I am being sued by a client of mine from 2005 who was a total dickhead and says because of my negligence he is out $68 000. I know i will be okay, as the even that he said i "negligently performed" was actually something that happened before I was his lawyer, worked at this firm, or was even called to the bar yet. Its still a reaaaaal fucking piss off, though. I need to go through all the steps of hiring counsel and defending this fucking thing. Like i said, happy fucking Blowvember.

In related news, I am going to take a bag of Digi and Eva's dogshit and throw it at his house.

In other related news, I want to punch this fucking douchenozzle until blood pumps out of his mouth, ears, and nose.

Ahhh. I feel better now. Here is me as Princess Leia.

Here Princess Leia says 'Help me dead Elvis and Vampirella...you are my only hope"


The CEO said...

And here I was hoping that Blovember was a happier endeavor. Why not just burn his house to the ground one night while he's asleep with a burning cross on the lawn. Blame the KKK and say he wasn't well-liked anyway. Sounds right, and you save a lot of lawyer's fees.

CBK said...

Fuck, Juicy, that sucks. Sorry to hear it.

Osbasso said...

Sorry to hear that. Some people see that lawsuits are far easier to win than actually working for it!

As for Leia--you did quite well! Hope Blowvember gets better for you!