Monday, November 08, 2004

How adults party.

This week on the Bridesmaids Chronicles: sitting in a hot tub in Banff while topless.

This saturday was the much anticipated girl's party weekend to Banff. It, naturally, started with most of us nursing hangovers. B rabbit and EL had to get home from the party house first...

We started pretty low key. Shopping, having some glasses of wine and doing each others makeup and hair. Then we hit the Rose and Crown and had more drinkies. Well, fuck. The whole town was full of 30 yr olds who took part in the Winterstart Road Race [ 3 of the posse among them] and most of the yuppies were at the R and C. So we got the fuck outta dodge and went to the Dance club, the Aurora.

And then the party went nuts. We all started drinking Red Bull and Vodka and doing shooters. Then we all started speaker dancing and grinding with random boys. I began telling people that i was in the running for "Canada's Next Top Model" and began doing my runway walk for random people. We started attracting groups of [mostly english and aussie] boys. Debauchery, debauchery, and even more debauchery.

When the Aurora closed, we went for pizza and ran into Unlce Randy and his posse. Apparently they were staying in "the presidential suite" [serious. it said that on the door on a gold plaque] and had an outdoor hot tub. Me and Miss M and B rabbit decided to go back there.

The plan was, we wear our bras and panties in there. Stay for a few drinks and then leave. Instead, we ended up in a game of "scattegories" where if you lost, you lost some clothes...and once you ran out of clothes, you had to make a nekkid lap around the deck. Actually, the guys all got naked and started um, posing their black junk for us before the game started...

Well, no, I never got naked, but was topless for a while. And none of us did the run. The worst [and funniest thing] was that whenever we balked about the nudity we were told that "we are all adults here. and this is how adults party." Ummm. Adults who are in junior high. The party ended when the girlfriend of one of the naked guys freaked out and B thought she was going to get her ass kicked. [side note: who the fuck would let their bf get naked with a bunch of people and run around? especially with other girls? fuck!]

Us bridesmaids went for breakfast [it was now 7 am] and then went to sleep for a couple of hours before leaving. The breakfast convos: Are we ho-bags? Why did they keep posing their dicks at us? Was the guy with the girlfriend hitting on you too? All i know, if thats how adults party, i may go back to partying like a kid again for the next while.

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