Thursday, November 04, 2004

Im Afraid of Americans

Okay, first, lemme say that ive been trying to blog for the last couplea days and i havent been able to get on. So there. This time, it aint ma fault that i havent blogged.

So, as you can guess by the title, I wasnt that impressed with the results of the election of our neighbours to the south. Okay, i am the biggest left leaning socialist prolly ever, so thats prolly reason numero one why i wasnt impressed. But love or hate "W", and i really think hes just a big dork, im more stressed about the ramifications of his reelection.

Two issues: Gay marriage and Abortion. Two things that will be likely barred because of the onslaught of right wing fundamentalists with their fucking "family values" and "good church people" motherfucking mentality. The same fuckings cunts who are pro death penalty and think that if they kiss ass to the right fucking god they will be righteous and good... [ok. must stop now, getting angry and want to keep myself from throwing computer in rage...]

[calm music inset here]
[enter pink happy flowers]
[breathe, juicy.]

Anyways, where was i? Right. So why would a Canuck like myself be so angry about an election in which i had no vote or say? Cuz of the political ramifications in the US which will likely effect politics in the world. And lemme say, the US better not try to affect the politics in Canadaland. Like putting more [see cows that arent allowed across the border] trade barriers on Canada becuz of our acceptance of a womans choice over her own body, rather than what some asshole in a church says [Easy, girl]. Or if we start trying to appease the US by also banning reproductive and sexual rights. That just isnt good. And I will do what i can to prevent it. Seriously. I will.

And really, dont get me started on the suggestion of a death penalty in Canada. Im waaay too agitated right now to start on that soap box.

So, maybe all that will come out ole W's reelection is more funny jokes on the Daily Show and more fodder for commercials on why we Canuckleheads dont wanna be americans. And believe me, laughing about the US is alot more fun than being afraid of what they may do next...or cause next in our own front yard.

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