Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Paranoia, Paranoia

...everyone is coming to get me...

So ive been pretty paranoid about a bunch of really weird things. Guess it may be the "im living in an unreal world where all i really have to do each day is get up shower and watch TV" and not much of what i do has permanence of any type. I rent an apartment, i have no job, no boyfriend [or guy i see more than 2 nights in a row], and no real expenses. I dont know whats happening from day to day.

And these are the things that ive been phreaking out about lately:
- running out of money and not being able to pay my rent or bills.
- not passing these exams.
- never finding another law job.
- finding another law job and hating it even more than my last.
- losing my Employment Insurance coverage.
- falling down and breaking other teeth.
- that im getting fat.
- that my face is getting saggy.
- that i have Herpes, HPV, Aids, or Chalmydia.
- being pregnant and not knowing who the father is.

Im not going to say which ones affect me/ are affecting me the most, but I think its the whole exam thing right now that is fucking me up...and making me think 'oh fuck im poor' or 'crap, i know im preggers'. Damn. And no wonder i think ill lose my teeth, ive been grinding them like crazy in my sleep.

...The agony and the irony, they're killing me...

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