Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Counting down the hours

29 and holding...holding...must...hold...on...

Time is running out. My 20s will soon be behind me. Is it weird that i remember my 20th birthday...and the 10th? (the tenth was a big deal because I was double its more like double chins...)


I got beautified yesterday... heres the proof:

Le sigh...bye bye 20s....


Cindy said...

You enter your thirties a more dignified calico version of Juicy.

Happy Birthday, babe.

(If 40 is the new 30, that means 30 is the new 20...)

Osbasso said...

Happy Birthday, Juicy! Your best years are still ahead of you! Come down sometime and I'll buy you a bday beer!

Itchy said...

You look lovely my dear.
And don't fret about being 30. Honest. I'll be 35 this year. It's not been so bad...

and now, a repeat:

Happy Birthday tooooo youoooouuuuuuu!
Happy Birthdaaaaay tooooo yoooooouuuuuuuu!
Haaaaaaapy Biiiiiiiirthdaaaaaaaay Deeeaaaaarrrrrr Juuuuuuuuicy!
Haaaaapy Biiiiiiirthday tooooo yooooooUUUUUU!!!!

And many moooOORORORORE! cha!

*insert spirit fingers*

The CEO said...

You have always been drop dead gorgeous, besides being smart.

Happy birthday, and for many more happy healthy ones too!

~art said...

happy Birthday!