Thursday, October 09, 2008

Everyones Gotta be something, Me, Im Stupid

Telling yourself that you are no longer sick and actually not being sick are two very different things. Yeah. Hence, two minutes into bootcamp yesterday I collapsed on the ground in coughing.

I wish my grumbling was cured as well. I think only one thing can cure it. LONG MUTHAFUCKIN WEEKEND, FUCKERS!!!! (Haha. I love feeling like Kid Rock. Cant you just hear him saying that? )

I hope to drink excessively. and make pie this weekend. (which is what Mr. Rock likely also has in store this weekend. I wish i was one of those skilled Wunderkinds when it came to computers and id make a mash-up of American Badass and pictures of fat kids eating pie. Can I just say this is the most thought i gave to Kid Rock today? Can i also say that im now really into parentheses? Its the new ellipses. Did you like that i didnt call them brackets? I didnt dum it down for y'all)

The title is from a song called 'Rico' by Matthew Good Band. Really good song. (Its old. Like most of my music selections. The nineties ruled, what can i say? The radio station i listen to has been playing his Band alot lately cuz they are putting on a show and you can only win your way in whenever his band or Soundgarden or Chris Cornell songs play....because they are both doing the show. I really want to go due to my aforementioned love of the 90s and almost drove my car into a bridge yesterday trying to be the 9th caller. They play a lot of 90s music on there. I will win tickets to that show or drive into a bridge trying)

Ive been writing affidavits for 7 hours. I think thats why im very verbose.

Have a fucking great night motherfuckers! (and be sure to think of kid rock and the 90s at least a little bit before you go to bed)

(there is no purpose for this picture other than MUST. USE. PARENTHESES.)


The CEO said...

Your creativity is boundless, even by parenthesis!

CBK said...

Don't drive into the Bow. Is it frozen over yet? ;-)

Cindy said...

Word. (Triumphed by a longer comment in said parentheses. I got it.)

Agent 31 said...

I thought I was the only guy still listening to Matthew Good.

I feel like a jackass singing 'Hello Time Bomb' in the shower.