Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Fame Whores and junkies

I just noticed that I "lost" a follower. I didnt even know what that meant when they put that on my profile...well now im losing them and i didnt even know i had them. I am the economy.

I really dont like Madonna. I dont. I guess I dug her schtick during her cross burning and S and M days, but other than that... yeah. It got old. Fast. And speaking of schtick her new one is 'oh im getting a divorce'. Because she has already checked off adopting a child under suspicious circumstances, putting a nude photo book, and french kissing a slut wannabee as other ways to end up in the media in the past 10 years so shes running out of new famewhore ideas to bring up every 6 months to stay in the spotlight. I wonder if she is going to recycle more of those deliberate acts to make it into the news-- I mean she already 'did' high profile celebrity divorce in the past... if anything this could be good for Guy Ritchie. It worked for Sean Penn. I actually am going to start the conspiracy theory that she and guy planned this all along... she has a new tour, he has a movie. Lets get some hits on google when we need it. Say approx. seven years from now. That sounds about right.

Ok. Rant done. I just dont like Madonna. Or Julia Roberts... but you all knew that.

My nephew is blackmailing me to go to his bday this weekend. I have no choice. Attend or be bad auntie forever.

My diet type thing is going well. I miss candy. I miss eating those chocolate covered coffee bean crack that are in my desk when i am sleepy. When i fit back in my dress pants it will be worthwhile.... whenever that may be. Although i wonder if keeping under my points is worth my sanity. I now cannot stop thinking about them.

Shit. I need a fix.


the viking said...

There. I added myself, so you're back up to 3 followers. :)

Cindy said...

I actually heard a rumor on some celebrity news circuit this summer that Madge & Guy were on the outs but denying it, and an insider said they were waiting to announce it until her tour started.

CBK said...

BTW, I'm sorry that my Bruins beat your Oilers in OT last night. (Not really, though.)

The CEO said...

I follow you through Bloglines, and have for years. Sometimes, I just lurk, I'm just not sophisticated enough for you. Sometimes, I don't have the time.

I never thought you needed to lose weight.