Wednesday, September 01, 2004

my vewy first stoned post: leftovers

Here is my question for this lovely evening:

Is it ok to throw rotten food from your refridgerator at your ex-boyfriend's house?

I have a lot of rotten food [or at least expired food] in my fridge and i dont know what else to do with it. It would be a waste otherwise. Im not sure why im so determined to throw it at his house. Im not any madder at him than i was yesterday...maybe its just cuz it would be funny. I know hes back today too. And currently not home. Im positively giddy planning this!

Better idea: im going to mail it anonymously to someone i dont like [see above]. A big box of lettuce, yogurt, cheese, orange juice and olives. All past their due date. Nice. I'll even make a greeting card with sunshine and flowers on the front, and "Enjoy your Fucking Rotten Food!!!" written inside. Haha.

That is all. Please continue on with your regular programming for this evening.

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