Tuesday, February 15, 2005

hitting the "NEXT BLOG" button on my page...

gets you:

-- conservative rhetoric that would make Rush Limbaugh blush [sample: ' but i totally agree that Jesus Christ is our saviour despite the fact that i didnt make that much on the bottle drive for our church...ps. no gays no abortions but many executions.]

-- some asian teens talking about which J-Pop band they love [soo good =:X) muah!!!]

-- angry goth kids in middle America with cryptic names and depressing icons [mystycysm pain... WTF?]

--something in Spanish or Portugese

Arent u glad you know juicy? Yeah, and juicy loves u too.

Surreal note:
somewhere someone is blogging about how they hit the 'next blog' key and had to read about some 20 something slut who complains all the time and drinks heavily.....

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