Tuesday, August 23, 2005

A small step for Juicy...

... a giant leap for Juicy-kind.

I dont know why I used an astronaut reference, but what im pissing and moaning about this time is that I have decided to switch jobs. Now dont worry, I'll still be a law talker and doing the family law, but at a different firm... a firm that is offering me a lot more money [ Im a Socialist who hates materialism....but Im one with very large debts] and some sort of future potential. Its not everyday that someone with only a year's experience is offered a position where they are told they may make partner within 2-3 years.

Actually, to be brutally honest, I made my mind up when my current boss made reference that im "not worth the money" that the other place is offering. And his counter-offer pretty much was zero. They wouldnt even offer me a permanent position here..just the same money and the same lack of job security. I just about told him to fuck himself, but there is this whole "professionalism" thing i have to remember sometimes. The other place was ready to match or beat any counter offer he made, anyway...

So Im leaving my big pretty office with the view of Walmart in Southwest Calgary, for a smaller, non-windowed place in the North...and i couldnt be more excited.


Cindy said...


(But don't forget about us little people).

CBK said...

Congratulations, Juicy! I'm sure it will pay off as far as piece of mind, but I hope it becomes lucrative and you make a whole lotta rain.

Deek Deekster said...

[ Im a Socialist who hates materialism....but Im one with very large debts] - thanks, now I have my self-definition also.

Good luck with the elsewhere job :)