Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Back from the long weekend

[in response to CBK who asked what we got the day off for, its one of those classic Canadian "first monday of the month and so we think we need a day off" holidays...its really what separates Canada from the US-- you guys need to justify a holiday by putting a name of a president on it...we are just too damned lazy and just say "yeah, its a holiday monday, whatever". actually i think they call it "heritage day" but thats only been its name for the last 3 or 4 years]

I guess Im "back" although I didnt actually go anywhere...Jer promised me we could go away for a night, but then changed his mind the morning we were supposed to leave, as he is very apt to do. I swear to gawd he is like Tom Green in Road Trip-- never wants to leave this damned city! I need to get out! Hellllp! Lemme out! Lemme out!

Well, we did go to the beach just outside of the city and lay in the sand and eat a bunch of junk food. I somehow managed to scrape myself between my asscheeks while i was there which hurts about as bad as it sounds... i really dont know how i did it and will now stop with all discussion about it...its really kinda gross. (and yes, had it been from some sort of kinky bondage thingy i woulda provided details). Also gross was the weird irridecent glow that came off the water. I dunno. Its a man made lake...who knows what they built it over. Dont get me wrong, I did have fun there. Im an uber pessimist.. i just point out the bad in everything.

Speaking of bad, I should let you know that im also looking into cheating. No silly, on my job. ( I dont cheat on people...just companies) I have a job interview for another law firm tomorrow. Im only on temporary here until October (at which time they will decide whether to renew me for 3 more months or keep me permanent) and I have an evil feeling they wont want to keep me on. Today I had 3 of my new files taken away from me and handed to some new bitch who starts next week. Im basically being replaced before i even leave. They also pay me shit here... i make one third of what my friends do. I didnt go to school for 7 years to make less than my assistant. Lets just say that despite the fact that its really busy here right now, i really dont feel like busting my hump for people that dont appreciate me. Ive done that before and the place still let me go.

As it is the start of the month, you will be happy to know i made a new list...unlike the one in July which was quite in depth, all this one says is "FIND NEW JOB" and "NEED VACATION". At least its only 28 days until the September long weekend...

1 comment:

CBK said...

Walk, Sister! Then they'll see how wrong they were to treat you this way.

I guess the reservoirs cleared out after all the flooding. Or is that where the glow came from?