Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Acting class 2 (and some other stuff)

My second acting class was yesterday. I AM AN ACTORRRR! [No, not really. I was acting when i typed that. ]

The class is pretty for a couple of people in the class [there are always one or two] who complains about every friggin thing we do. Like, dude, if you arent happy, then drop out of the class. This isnt a mandatory class you need for some degree. Your mom wont need to provide you with a permission slip. No one cares, now get the fuck out. Oh, and he has mentioned about 6 times that he is a 'believer in Christ'. Ususally mid sentence when he was complaining about something. How does someone bring that up so often in conversation? It would be like if I constantly brought up that i liked eating cheeseburgers. Hello, I would like $40.00 of the premium unleaded and I am an eater of cheeseburgers. Can you please pass me the sugar? I am an eater of cheeseburgers. I guess Im just crabby at him because i was partnered up with him last week and he told me that the 'expressive story from one minute of my life' was dull.

Anyways, the teacher/instructor/coach/iamaneaterofcheeseburgers told us to keep a journal after the class. Which isnt that hard for me cuz I am always writing down my innane and usually uninteresting factoids here on the old blog. So here is how i felt last class: [you dont need to read this-- honestly, its just for me and the class. but you can. wanker.]

- excited that everyone laughed and was entertained by the stuff i did

- We had to go around and say the work 'no' but we were given a body motion that we needed to do while we said it: i was amazed that the form that we used to say the word no really affected the meaning of the word and the content.

- comfortable around the classmates

-At the end of class we played a game sorta like musical chairs, except you had to make eye contact with someone and throw a ball to the person instead of sit down when the music stopped: I was the first one eliminated. I found that i spend more time wondering if people are paying attention to me than actually paying attention to them

Im looking into buying tickets for a dinner and show of a Neil Diamond cover band this weekend. I bet were the only ones there under 50. I think i might buy pearls and opera glasses. Thats pretty cool.

I had a dream that I dyed my hair blonde last night. Maybe I am Power Girl. I am also an eater of cheeseburgers.


Itchy said...

"I AM AN ACTORRRR! [No, not really. I was acting when i typed that. ]"

Spoken like a true eater of cheeseburgers!

Cindy said...

Juicy: Prefers to be over 50 or under 25. All those other years can wait.

CBK said...

The last (and only) Neil Diamond cover band show I saw was full of young 20-somethings, all having a blast. It was great. I can't remember the name of the band, but their singer is called "Surreal Niel". Hopefully that's who you're seeing, because he is unbelievable.

Unknown said...

You were acting that you were an actor? That's like metaacting!

JuicyA said...

Sadly Nearly Neil sold out... I think cuz the show came with a prime rib dinner and seniors looove prime rib

I AM META-Actor!