Wednesday, September 06, 2006

This is the post where I tell you more about myself, but you know more about me than I would usually divulge

Thats what Ridley called this. Others just referred to it as 8 things i havent told you yet. Me, I think its a step between my normal blogging fare...and what I'd send into Postsecret [ and yes, I have sent 2 into them]. Enjoy.

1. It takes me approx. 40- 45 minutes to fall asleep every night. I wake up approx. 30 minutes before Jer does and lie there awake. I usually spend this time freaking out about work, planning what I will wear the next day, or wondering what i will blog about.

2. I have had 5 things happen in my life that i would consider a 'crisis' which have somehow changed me. Two are about death, one is a break up, one an operation, and the last one is an accident.

3. I think my parents' house is haunted. For a while, I just thought I was losing it...but then once while i was pretty sure that "something" was in my room, my dog, Saki, came running downstairs and began barking at that spot in my room. And Saki never barked except in his sleep. After that, I decided to just not tell anyone about whenever i thought the "something" was around. My secret (and Saki's I guess).

4. I really do think about running away...and i have done so in the past. However, I think in the past i ran away not because i was stressed, but because i was bored.

5. I hope I never have to explain my conduct during my 20s to my children. I mean its funny now...but how does one explain the need to snort cocaine and sleep with multitudes of men whose name you cant remember? Hey kids! Dont do drugs. Or sleep around. Or drink heavily and wake up in beds with more than one guy and a couple girls. And dont read my blog either, okay?

6. My feet are hairy. I get pissed off when people comment about them. Deal with it.

7. The first boy I kissed was named Tyler Romanuk. I really didnt like him that much- he was short- I liked his friend, Dean, but Dean was 'dating' Jayme Foster. I was in grade 2 at the time.

8. I believe that my unnatural affection for KFC spawns from the fact that when I was a kid, if I was good, they told me I would get chicken-- but if not, we had to have meatloaf or liver instead. And while other kids got money for passing their classes, I was promised chicken.

Thats it thats all. I wont tag anyone, but feel free to do it if ya like


Anonymous said...

Oh and #5..?

Been there, done that, got the tee shirt and the video.. oh my Gawd. Hopefully should I ever become a mother, they won't ask.. ;0)

BTW, I've moved from Blogger to WordPress. Come see me cause it's HNT!
And where pary tell, is yours??


JuicyA said...

I was just thinking... uh... i thought there was a picture...but apparently it wasnt showing up because blogger is stupid. should be ok now.

Itchy said...

4 - I have started thinking about running away more and more lately. I'm not sure what I want to run away from. I have an idea...and it makes me feel like an asshole.

5 - I don't want to even explain my behavior to myself. From my late teens to my early 20s.

Anonymous said...

hmmm... hobbit feet and the basement ghost ( it still closes the door to the bottom level occasionally ) I relate to those and a couple of others, which I won't tell...


Cindy said...

While reading I kept hearing someone whisper "Secrets..." like on the Conan skit.

If I can think of 8 things that I haven't divulged on my blog already, I'll do this. Maybe. Depends on how bad they are.