Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Days til move: 14; Boxes Packed: 0

Should I be afraid? Maybe. I dunno. meh.

I have been trying to piece together what happened on Saturday night. I recall going to the Republik, drinking, leaving, wandering around the streets of Calgary completely lost, and throwing up. Oh, and smoking out of a bong almost as tall as I am... Yeah. That 'splains a lot.

I also went and saw 'Be kind Rewind'. I wish I could tell you if i liked it or not...but I was too busy trying to ignore The Most Annoying Human Being in The World ( yes, capitalized) who happened to be sitting next to me.

This guy receited EVERY SINGLE FUCKING LINE OF THE MOVIE after it was said and every time he found something funny, he would yell "OH SO FUNNY!", laugh, and then re-recite the line while he slapped his knees. Lodly. Honestly. A Jack Black movie, and Im sitting there the whole time angry and wishing death on someone. Fuck. Im getting aggrivated just thinking of it now.

Its Jeremy's birthday in 2 days. He will be older than me by 2 years. He's middle aged. Haha.

My only thoughts from the Oscars:

1. I liked Diablo Cody's dress
2. Javier Bardem is no longer scary. He is now hot. He has acquired a spot on my bench, next to Daniel Craig and Clive Owen.
3. Jon Stewart is funny.

That is all. The rest i couldnt give a shit about.


Anonymous said...

I remember reading Diablo's blog, Pussy Ranch, like three years ago, and I think it's funny how they call her an "ex-stripper" over and over. I mean, she basically was doing some office job, did an amateur night, and then was like, fuck this, I can make more money naked and sort of treated the whole thing as a sociological experiment. I'm getting kind of tired of the ex-stripper appellation. Just a random thought.

Itchy said...

I saw Be Kind, Rewind as well. And I enjoyed it immensely. I had No Annoying Person around me, so that helped.

CBK said...

I've been meaning to tell you that Diablo Cody reminds me of you!

Also, there's a woman at my gym who looks a lot like you. She runs a lot.