Tuesday, August 17, 2004

After the apocalypse, comes the revolution.... [yeah, whatever]

So, maybe its becuz im now unemployed or that im often understimulated, but sometime I let my imagination run wild and like to pretend that im some sort of character in a movie or comic strip and my life is some big movie/play/novella.

Last year, and during the time I was working I liked to pretend that I was a super hero named "DangerGirl!" who rode around on a BMX and protected the world from Science [which, yes, is still my arch-nemisis]. I had a sidekick named Mr. Action [dumbass] who really was there to do drugs with and have sex with. Really and truly, all DG! ever did was protect the world from frivolous insurance claims and broken contracts. Not that super after all.

Now, since I was unceremoniously "let go" from the job, I see myself as some sort of heroine in a post-apocalyptic world [think mad max meets Tank Girl meets Sailor Moon...hell, Ive been obsessed with all of those at some period of time...] who has leads an underground revolutionary group ready to take out the evil rich people who try to bring us down. Im currently not a member of an underground revolutionary group, although i have been adopted by a rather sassy collective which puts out an artsy culture mag here in calgary [it starts with an "i" and I wont write the name here in case they google themselves and find this blog...and if you guys DO find this blog, dont lemme know, cuz it would weird me out]. I guess if the apocalypse happens and the collective of "i" are still around, Id lead them in a revolution. The only thing that really concerns me is that if the apocalypse happens, will my straightening iron still work? I cant lead any revolutions with bad hair.

if i ever get those pictures up and running, ill put in photos of me as "Dangergirl!"...im sure ones as Juicy A, revoultionary/ ad sales girl will follow...

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