Monday, August 23, 2004

Brother can you spare a dime?

So Ive decided to apply for Employment Insurance. Im a loser. One step away from living in a refridgerator box on Freedom Street. Blah.

Not much else goin on down or up. Went for dinner with some former co-workers and listened to them bitch about their jobs. Yah, what else is new.

Before that I went and bought some light reading material: The Loving Dominant. [ which could be called "so, you're dating someone who is weirded out by the fact that you want to be tied up and beaten?] The funny thing being that, shite, its worked for me twice already. I feel like i should write the author...

Dear Sir

I have purchased your book for the last 2 boyfriends and now have purchased it for the third. Let me tell you, I turned those poor unexpecting boys from romantic sucks to leash-pulling and whip-wielding dominants. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. However, I may have a lot of convincing for the new one. I am sure, however, that your chapters on converting vanilla lovers may do the trick, as they have in the past.

Your servant,
juicy ass.

Hmmm. That would mean he'd actually have to spend time with me, which he hasnt been doing too much lately. Crap. Its starting to make me a little crazy.

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