Sunday, October 17, 2004

Another interesting evening with yours truly...

Last bulls and double vodka. And boys. Silly me and boys. After making out with a really rich short guy who always makes me laugh, but for some reason can never remember my name... i decided to continue my evening by almost being a homewrecker.

Nic's friend from out of town was partying with us...and yeah, my first thought was "hes a cutie". Then we started chatting and realised that he went thru all the same shit i did last year. He failed the bar course and had to redo everything. And he went to belize last year. And he lives in Vancouver and loves all the same bars that i did [naturally...see: Vancouver, Obsession of Boys from].So we chatted as everyone got increasingly drunker... then i started flirting with RSG... then went outside with RSG and we made out.

After making out with RSG, we went back to Nic's bf's house and started drinking beers and watching infomercials. It was weird cuz at first i was just talking to RSG, then i started chatting with Van again. Then i sat on the arm of his chair...then he put his arm around me.... After flirting some more, I decided to suggest that we leave and go back to mine. He said ok. Im being vague, but it was pretty obvious that he was totally into me.

He went to the bathroom, and i decided that i better approach Nic with this. She had earlier in the evening made a comment that he was off limit cuz he lives with his girlfriend. So, I told her i was leaving...and i wasnt going home alone. She said "no way. im not comfortable with this". So, i really had no choice but do nothing. Except i tried again. Her bf was funny cuz he was all "what happens in calgary, stays in calgary..." She was upset, not mad, but upset... and i went home alone.

When i woke up today with a killer hangover [at 200] i also had killer guilt. Not becuz i ditched RSG, not that i almost was a homewrecker, but that i may had pissed off Nic. I was almost sick over it. Im not in the best of supply of friends lately and really dont need to lose someone im close with over a boy. I called her, and she was fine. She was almost apologetic about it and made a big deal saying that he really really really wanted to come over and couldnt believe how well we hit it off. She actually said we had an 'instant connection', which makes me happy [ better that than thinking im a harsh whore].

After me being such a 'guy' last week with the piece on thursday [crap. even writing that was harsh.] i wonder whats wrong with me. Im going to get in trouble, with all this struttin around... trouble in that i may find myself without friends and with a really big magic number. Another interesting night to be blogged.

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