Thursday, October 28, 2004

kickin it

Remember my stoned rant about working out? well, i did it. Yesterday was my first kickboxing class. Yeah, i know. I actually did it.

And, not to be smartassed, but it totally kicked my ass. I actually started hyperventilating in the middle of it. And another time, I was pretty sure that I was going to puke all over the mat. Fuck. I dont know if its that intense [possibly] or if im that out of shape [more likely].

Today, im pretty achy...but not as bad as i assumed i would be. I actually considered taking another one today. After i sign up, i can take any class they offer at the gym in a bunch of other crazy things too. Maybe this will drastically cut down on all the masterbating ive been doing lately. Whoa. Thats a different story althogether... [but i guess it explains why i havent been blogging much lately.]

Speaking of which, i do plan on blogging more. Guess that means ill have to find more interesting things to do than just watch tv and [erm] jack off. yeah, uh. im going to go practice my kicks...

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