Sunday, October 24, 2004

Another stoned post: healthy livin'

So i dont know if youve noticed [and if not, yer an asshole] but ive been trying to manage my weight lately. I dont say "lose weight" cuz then id have a billion people say "ooooh. you have an eating disorder" or "you dont need to lose weight". well poo. Anyways, so im trying to eat better and more regular and like, not gorge out on fried chicken anymore.

Well, shit. Im starting to wonder if i always ate as much as i do now...or if i just ate less regularily and ate more at each sitting. Like last year, i wouldnt eat breakky...but then would be starved at lunch and eat lots....then eat again around 4-ish...and then again after 9pm. And tons of coffee the whole time.

Now i try to eat something at around 1100 am, then something again around 200, then again at 530-600ish, and again at 800. Usually the thingys at 11 and 2 are diet shakes and soup, and the 800 is usually a granola bar. So is this better for me? Am i actually losing weight or eating more? And then there are the pot or PMS or liquor induced binges....

Anyways. I think i need to try exercising. Fuck im serious. And if there is anything, i repeat ANYTHING, that people should know about me its that i dont exercise. Maybe if i find something fun [like the dancing. i liked the dancing.] i would do that.

So whats the story on the healthy livin? Well, Im not having the kahlua mudslides anymore [see: diahhrea, extreme daily case of] and i dont nearly get so bloaty. And i dont feel gross when im nekkid. Basically, I remember how i felt in my body 2 years ago...and i want that back. So far so good with the healthy livin.

Ok. Im done.

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