Sunday, October 31, 2004

Doin what Bridesmaids do best...

Happy Happy Pumpkin Day. And, like every normal person, i celebrate the 'ween by wearing a costume and then getting really ripped and then getting laid.

Last night B Rabbit, Miss Mo [aka Krystal and Lori] and myself dressed in heinous 80s bridesmaids dresses, crimped our hair, and made carnation and babysbreath bouquets and went as drunk bridesmaids. Too funny. And if there is anything everyone knows, when you're wearing a horrible dress, ya wanna get it off as soon as possible. And its even better if you have someone to take it off for you... [and it happend to 2/3 of us last night...]

We literally spent all friggin day looking for 3 dresses horrible enough for our costumes [and that were under $90...seriously, does le chateau think someone will spend that on those horrible purple things? and whats the deal with the fucking rental place?] along with our pretty pearls and satin gloves. It took us about an hour to get ready and become pink and purple goddesses. Uncle Randy [Adam] was gettin a little annoyed with us.

We started at T Mac's party, which was fun...for a while. Then a certain person was a total dick to one of the 'Maids and pissed her off. Which made her start acting like a total dick and she inferred that i was a slut and that people "like me" were responsible for why she cant meet a guy. Yeah, she was wasted. Im not too hurt by it. And i guess i showed her!!! Ha Ha.

Anyways the remaining 2 of us went to a party in the middle of frickin nowhere with Uncle Randy. It was being held by Fine Arts students and it was pretty cool. There was a DJ and a dance floor and a Tipi with lights on it. Oh, and there was a bartender too. Which brings me to the best part of the story....

As i got drunker [and noted that B was hittin on a really cute artsy guy] i realised that the bartender was super super cute and decided i would hit on him. So basically i said Hi, introduced myself...and approx. 60 seconds later started making out with him. His name is Mike [and hes a Saskie!] Totally adorable and he had a bunch of tattoos, which was refreshing for a change. It took an hour to get the hell out of there and i could put that loverly dress in the best place ever...on the floor of my bedroom.

Waking up this morning i was pretty amused by the fact that i picked up with crimped hair and with purple eyeshadow on. Perhaps i should try it again some time. I could handle taking home more bartenders. Kinda suits me too, being that i drink so much. Maybe thats why im always a bridesmaid and never the bride...Sigh.

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