Friday, October 22, 2004

Breakin up is hard to do...then it really gets bad

Meeting up with the ex again. Never a good time, especially when you are specifically trying to avoid him. Friday night we made the decision [ read as: I said straight out I wasn’t going there..] to go to Lucky instead of the Mercury becuz I heard that Marco was spinning there. And instead, within walking in the front door of the Lucky [as noted by the tell tale Hall and Oates playing] I knew I chose the wrong bar. Sure enough, there he was. In total Marco glory. The boy that pushed me away…so far away I ended up in Central America.

Of course, it begins with the obligatory “I don’t see you, you don’t see me”…until it becomes almost painful for both parties and someone has to pick an approach. He kept spinning and I switched seats so I wouldn’t have to face him. I even sent other people to get drinks. However, when his shift was done, he came down and said it was nice to see me. I have word from the posse that once he went back up, he kept staring at me, too.

Now there are two camps when it comes to running into your ex: 1. Be an ass; and, 2. Be civil. I usually follow #1 to the letter… to the point of throwing shit and causing big scenes. However, with M, I have followed the latter. Im not sure why. Maybe im maturing [unlikely] maybe cuz I think there is a chance of getting back together [even less likely], or maybe I just really have no reason to be pissy with him. Honestly, when we broke up [see earlier posts for evidence] I wasn’t that big on him and wasn’t that sure that I wanted it to work out.

So whats it like follow the “bigger person” route? It sucks. Absolutely. Its way way more painful than the asshole route and not nearly as fun. And to make it worse, drunky drunkerson here called him when she was walking home. And ever worser [is that a word?], it was like we never split up. Like it was the next day after we broke up… that I never went to Belize… that I hadnt slept with a few guys and made out with even more. Totally shit. I hate running into exes. Maybe that’s why I really get into long distance relationships—I know that when they end [at usually the 2-3 month stage] I wont have to worry about casually running into them and having to specifically avoid where they may be.

Fuck. I thought it was hard dating people, splitting up is even worse.

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